Ok so here's the deal; Jake let me borrow his S-dime (thanks again man!) to get the sakibobber to my house so that this next stage of annoyingly-frequent-hardware-store-trips would be a little easier considering the closest one at his place was 10 minutes away and never open. Ashley's bro Tom helped me out yet again with this. He's proven to be very helpful in this stage of the project and sometimes seems to have more ambition for me to get it done than I do, haha.
Got it home, and got all amped on hearing the thing run. I worked most of the day alone with some tall Rolling Rocks and this wiring diagram and somehow got the wiring back together. With a little help from my sis' boyfriend Chuck, I was able to change the oil and fire it right up. What really confused me is everything I read online saying the bike would barely run with a modified intake and exhaust without a re-jet and serious tuning....I've got straight pipes and straight carbs (for now, don't worry I'm getting some pod filters), and it seems to run just fine...am I wrong? Take a look at the video and let me know. Below are some more pics of when I got done and started to visualize what this heap is going to look like when done. Nothing is actually bolted in place yet, but it definitely gives a good idea as to what it will look like.
Still a ways to go - brakes, chain (edit: done 7/7), wiring (where the F do all these wires hide?!), and other miscellaneous fun stuff. Looking forward to riding it at least once before the summer is done.
Here's a question - one cylinder's exhaust seems to be hot and the other just barely warm...is this normal?
XS Vintage
2 days ago
Looking good David (and crew)!
You should seriously consider my braking idea of a rope and anchor though. That would look awesome. ;)
that was HILARIOUS, I've been thinking all day of how I could somehow get a picture of that
Not sure if you've gotten any insight into your warm exhaust/hot exhaust, but here's my .02 cents.
Working from the least severe...
Generally, if one side of the twin is cooler than the other, then the cylinder isn't getting gas, spark, or is in need of some serious tuning. Check your spark plug for fuel residue. If there's nothing, then my guess is the carbs need a good tear down/cleaning, and consequently a tune won't hurt either.
I'd suggest running a compression check, may as well do both cylinders and make sure they're the same. I have no idea what the specs are but I'm sure you can find them.
Reason being is the symptoms you've got can also mean some pretty good valve damage and/or cylinder wear.
Hope that helps out some. Project is definitely coming along. We'll have to go riding next season when I get back up there...
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